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segunda-feira, 26 de outubro de 2009

Hitler cristão

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O texto abaixo pode ser encontrado em "", ou pelo menos podia, no dia 27/10/09, as 2 da manhã.

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Suffer Not a Witch to Live!

Hmm, então bruxas existem. Deve fazer sentido para alguém que acredita no papai do céu.

Sermon by Pastor Deacon Fred

The United States of America is a Christian Nation. Sure, we've got some other religions here, but after seeing the cross go up at the site of the World Trade Center, it is clear that they don't matter.

Wow! Um show de aceitação da diversidade cultural! Sensacional!

The Christian God is going to win the war on those pig-hating, towel-headed, cavemen over there in Afghanistan because people like you and me are praying and working on bringing this nation back to Jesus!

Quanto ódio no coração... cadê a compaixão e o amor ao próximo? Não era pra amar os inimigos?

You don't see a star of David or the moon of Islam or fat Buddha setting on that wreckage! It's the Christian cross! Praise Jesus!

HAHAHAHA, considerando que esse discurso é voltado pro público americano eu fico imaginando se o buda n é um deus mais compatível com a média de peso norte-americana

Taking recent events into consideration -que raro, ele realmente vai se basear em fatos palpáveis para fazer alguma coisa?-, we have steeped up security in our communities here at Landover. Our country clubs, restaurants, retirement centers, Christian shopping malls -shoppings cristãos? Não era mais fácil simplesmente aumentar o dízimo pra bísimo?-, University, stadiums, airports, and churches -ufa, pensei que ele fosse esquecer- here in Freehold Iowa are all on red-alert until further notice -mas vem cá, como é mesmo que um shopping cristão fica em alerta vermelho? Exorcisando pessoas que passam cheque sem fundos..?-. We are not going to let Lucifer squirm under any gate, crawl out of any toilet -isso foi altamente desnê- , camp in any closet, back yard shed or mind of any member of this congregation -agora ele realmente pegou pesado! Beleza, sair da privada ainda dá pra suportar... agora acampar na mente dos seguidores desse maluco é sacanagem! Aposto que o lucifer tem mais bom gosto que isso.-. And that includes the children. Oh yes! -ohh yes, ohh no (8)... ihh, foi mal, me empolguei- Satan wants your children, folks! And his birthday is coming up on October 31st -Ahaaa! Agora eu entendi tudo.. ele não foi convidado pra festa e agora tá boladinho.-, so you have to be even more cautious! I want all the young people here today to listen very carefully to what I am about to say. I don't want there to be any confusion or complaints from anyone in this congregation when you hear a knock on your door and learn that Church Security officers -isso existe?- have come to take your child away from you -ih caralho!-. I don't want any tears to fall from your eyes when you find your child returned to you without a tongue, or if he or she is missing an ear or a hand or a few fingers -woooow, agora a coisa ficou séria.-. If you can't see that the music your child is listening to, or the books that they are reading or the food that they are eating -as empresas de cereal não queriam que você soubesse isso, mas elas colocam mensagens subliminares satânicas nas caixas e principalmente naqueles brinquedinhos que vem nelas-, and even the very air that they breathe -eu to muito curioso pra saber se a parte evil do ar é o O2, o CO2 ou o H666- , in some cases, is infected with the manure of demons, then you outta be taken out in the street and whipped - by me while wearing black leather underwears!-! Living on this glorious campus is a privilege -a minha idéia de privilégio não é exatamente ser chicoteado por respirar H666, mas enfim-! And we reserve the right to revoke that privilege to any or all of our 150,000 plus church members at a moment's notice if we find that your children are caught up in Wicca or reading Harry Potter Books, or watching Nickelodeon - any of it -punheta, nem se fale né?-! We're tired of it all -provavelmente pq vocês são adultos, é de se esperar que estejam cansados de coisas de criança, se bem que hey arnold não tem idade-!

It's been 20 years since we legally executed a witch on this campus -ela foi considerada bruxa depois de fazer um truque com cartas de baralho, uma coisa assustadora-, but our lawyers are working very hard with the Federal Government to ensure that we can continue to practice our religion the way the Bible tells us to -que bom que tá dando trabalho pros advogados né? Prova que as leis ainda fazem algum sentido-. Exodus 22:18 says , "Suffer not a witch to live." Deuteronomy 18:10 says, "There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch."-Kuster 03:13 am says: Eu sou o senhor supremo de todas as afirmações sem embasamento lógico nenhum, ajoelhem se diante mim e ofereçam-me todo o seu dinheiro.- God is very clear here -e quando ele não é? é importante ressaltar que houve sarcasmo na minha ultima frase- , folks, he doesn't want witches (or as they call themselves today, 'Wiccans') to live. -mas algo me diz que elas querem viver, só um palpite- We are supposed to be killing witches!-erm.. e o "thou shall not kill" ficou exatamente em qual parte do "we are supposed to be killing"? ahh tá- If we don't, we are disobeying God. Jesus would weep tears of joy if He leaned down off His cloud and sniffed up the burning flesh of a witch this Halloween -porra, com uma cervejinha então ele gozaria de felicidade... ia faltar só a farofa pra fechar o churras-. Wouldn't that ruin Satan's little birthday party -ah sim, ele vai ficar desolado... sentar num canto e cortar os pulsos, não tenha dúvidas-! Praise God! It's just a shame that the United States Government has placed restrictions on the Biblically-mandated practice of witch burning. Now we have to waste taxpayers money to have old Mrs. Delaney sit out in our jail for practicing witchcraft -a.k.a. truque de cartas-. She had poor little Christian girls coming into her house to get cured of their colds! Did you know how she did it? She was putting toads in their mouths and transferring the sickness into those vile creatures -putamerda, vile é a infeliz que colocava um sapo na boca de uma criança... coitados dos sapos, ah sim, e coitadas das crianças burras que deixaram a infeliz fazer isso com elas-! After the toads crawled out from between the sweet lips of those precious children of God, their little frog snouts would be sneezing so loud it would wake a demon -Saquei o esquema. A mulher atraia criancinhas resfriadas pra casa dela, onde ela colocava sapos nas bocas das crianças com a intenção de passar o resfriado pros sapos.. ai, os sapos espirram e acordam os demônios. Perfeito sentido.-! It's witchcraft -os sapos faziam truques com cartas também-! And it happened right here under our noses, at the last real Christian church in America! That cackling old whore -ooooê chamou de vadia- would even make it rain every time she gave her cat a bath -olha pelo lado positivo, ela não acordava os demonios quando dava banho no gato dela-! That devil's harlot has no business breathing the same Christian air we breathe -Ih, não tem o H666 por lá não?-, yet we have to keep her alive in our own jail until the "so-called" Federal Government allows us to burn her at the stake -a esperança é a última que morre, mas pelo menos é de velhice-. You wouldn't believe the paperwork required to make something like that happen today -tá vendo? além de bruxas ele vai matar muitas árvores-. But it will happen. People in America are getting serious about God again. They are starting to read the Bible again, and starting to come around.

The only way we can win the war on terrorism, folks, is to destroy the terror of liberalism and evil that exists inside this Christian Nation. It starts with the children. It starts at home. It might be something as simple as organizing a Harry Potter book burning -ahh, pode até não ter H666, mas depois dessa fogueira vai ter muito CO2-, or placing your child's hands on a hot stove if you catch them masturbating-AHAHAHAHA, não é que ele falou da masturbação?! Eu tinha mesmo acreditado que ele ia pular essa parte-. It could even be a simple gesture, like shipping your 11-year-old son off to military school, or cutting off part of your daughter's ear for listening to N'Sync -porra, pra quem escuta handsome ou back street boys então corta logo a cabeça né? Gostei, manda brasa.-. We've got to get back to God, folks! We've got to do it fast, and we don't have time to worry about nonsense like "human rights violations!"-or the gravity law, all this bullshit- Jesus, Please allow us to legally do what you tell us to do in that precious Book your Daddy -cute- wrote!


Então eu vou ficando por aqui... tenham todos um bom dia, sem truques de cartas.


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